Violence in moroccan schools pdf

Any instance of crime or violence at school not only affects the individuals involved but also may disrupt the educational process and affect bystanders, the school itself, and. The objective of this study is to answer the following research questions. The news that come from universities talk about the widespread of violence, racism, drugs. National legal framework affecting violence against children 19. A purposive sample of five principals, 80 learners and 20 educators was selected from the four schools used in the study. The recorded history of morocco begins with the phoenician colonization of the moroccan coast between the 8th and 6th centuries bce, although the area was inhabited by indigenous berbers for some two thousand years before that. Results of the 2012 national school violence studyby patrick burton and lezanne leoschut is licensed under a creative commons attributionnoderivs 3. There is no specific legislation in morocco addressing violence against women or providing effective protection or redress from such violence. Moroccan press and media in general provides a great deal of information to the moroccan citizens to be aware and concerned with issues and developments around them, to ensure that the political projects are being done under their names, and. The purpose of this communication is to study violence against women in public spaces.

The outside of our childrens moroccan private school. Cherifa kheddar created djazairouna, an algerian organization with similar goals, to support families and youth who have lost loved ones to violence. Pdf the effects of violence on the moroccan youths. As senior program coordinator for behavioral and mental health at nea healthy futures, libby works with nea members, leaders and staff, and within the school health community to promote socialemotional learning programs, mental health and behavioral support services, and comprehensive efforts to improve school safety and violence prevention in our nations schools. Violence in schools is a social problem with an enormous ripple effect one act of violence can trigger numerous negative outcomes hence, the community is expected to work as a whole in order to curb this social ill. The frequent incidents of shootings have raised a serious issue about the safety in schools. In his report to the human rights committee, the moroccan government acknowledges that only 15% of primary school students benefit from the teaching of the amazigh language for 20092010. The nature, causes and effects of school violence in south. Sexual violence against men and boys while this information sheet focuses on sexual violence against girls and women, it is important to highlight that boys and men also suffer sexual violence. Understanding school violence fact sheet 2016 school violence is youth violence that occurs on. Rape and other forms of sexual coercion against men and boys take place in a variety of settings including homes, workplaces, schools. Children can be disadvantaged by poor schools, crime, parental cycles of. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons regularly face discrimination and harassment.

Pdf violence can be seen by many individuals as a bad behaviour that. These indiscriminate raids and expulsions are part of the renewed violence used by moroccan and spanish security forces to dissuade migrants attempting to jump the fences surrounding the spanish territory of melilla. Suicide risk was surveyed using the mini international neuropsychiatric interview version 5. Intimate partner violence and sexual violence among youth summary evidence table page 2 of 47 positive aspects. The real violence in moroccan schools morocco world news. Life skills and citizenship education were mainstreamed through development and piloting of a life skillsbased counselling program, including entrepreneurship that benefited 3,593 adolescents and youth. Violence levels in schools very worrying, say tories police were called to deal with violence in schools more than 7,000 times last year, according to the conservatives published. Sexual violence and subsaharan migrants in morocco. Abused and expelled illtreatment of subsaharan african migrants in morocco.

This paper is based on the analysis of different research projects, academic works, and books that deal with the origins, causes, and effects of violence on the moroccan youths behaviours and. Morocco spans an area of 710,850 km 2 274,460 sq mi and has a population of over 36 million. There are three big differences weve noticed about attending school in morocco. Final report of the federal commission on school safety pdf. School violence has emerged as a major concern for both teachers and parents of school going children today. These bad examples range from sexual promiscuity, degrading of women, advocacy of violence, and the condoning of dishonesty to succeed. Mission in morocco does not assume responsibility for the professional ability or integrity of the persons or firms appearing in this report. Communities also feel the effects of sexual violence. These quotes are gathered from a wide variety of sources and are arranged so that you can easily copy and paste into articles and dialogues on the internet. Anderman the ohio state university veda evanell brown national alliance of black school educators abraham jones national education association kathleen lynne lane university of kansas. Indeed, although we usually put the most emphasis on violence perpetrated in the private home, the fact remains that violence in the streets is as important and serious, in that it constitutes an obstacle to the mobility of women. One in three women will encounter sexual violence in her lifetime, and every year millions of children are sexually abused.

The causes of violence and the effects of violence on community and individual health stephen c. Following the school shooting in parkland, fl, you established the federal commission on school safety. As with any form of violence, sexual violence tears at. Although there are some positive stereotypes, most stereotypes about women in morocco are negative and reflect the underlying patriarchal dictates that structure gender relations in moroccan cultures. In this video, moroccan comedian and feminist activist mounia magueri plays the role of a domestic violence survivor, an. The capital is rabat and the largest city is casablanca. A young person can be a victim, a perpetrator, or a witness of school violence. A sequential mixed method approach was used in this study. Stereotypes about women in morocco may be defined as incomplete and inaccurate cultural beliefs that some people hold about them and that are encoded in linguistic expressions as well as in. United states, and far too many families and communities have suffered. Mena countries have the worlds highest rates of violent discipline and the. Understanding gender based violence and trends in the caribbean. From this definition, school violence could be described to be physical attacks between students or by students on school staff, which could.

Under morocco s family code children are required to attend school until age 16 though many poor children dont attend at all. Violence against children in schools bureau international des. Data were collected using anonymous self administered questionnaires distributed among a sample of 407 moroccan students in private and public secondary schools in fez city. Evolution of the ban on corporal punishment lebanon 15 1. School violence is any activity that can create a disturbance in an educational system. Understanding and preventing violence directed against.

Our nations schools should be safe havens for teaching and learning, free of crime and violence. Understanding and preventing violence directed against teachers recommendations for a national research, practice, and policy agenda dorothy espelage university of illinois at urbanachampaign eric m. The amount of violence in schools has surged recently, and videos go viral on social media depicting students verbally abusing teachers, and vice versa. In september 1994, morocco and israel announced the opening of bilateral liaison offices. Measuring the prevalence of violence against women in moroccan society by form physical, sexual violence, economic, etc. Student weapon carrying was most often reported in larger schools. A comprehensive guide for ngos working with genderbased violence. Taking on violence against women in africa africa renewal.

Maintaining momentum on education reform in morocco. In addition to providing information about violence, these approaches focus on changing the way children and adolescents think and feel about violence and provide opportunities to practice and reinforce skills. Pdf this study aimed to investigate the causes of violence of students from the teachers and principals perspective. Peace and non violence, moroccan immigration, ngos, education. The initiatives objective is to reduce inequity in morocco through action in three areas. Violence against spouse, children or elderly is few of some commonly encountered cases. The phenomenon of violence in moroccan schools has reached an alarming level. Understanding the truth about violence against teachers. Overview of the educational system in lebanon 15 2. The moroccan government has taken positive steps to raise awareness about violence against women and set up cells for receiving women victims of violence in courts across the country. Preventing school violence requires addressing factors at all levels of the social ecologythe individual, relational, community, and societal levels.

Currently, arabic and french are the two media of instruction in moroccan public schools and universities. It is not solely the responsibility of schools to create and maintain a safe learning environment, free from the disruption gangs can cause, for students, faculty, and staff. Morocco is a country of origin, transit and destination for. Number and percentage of public schools with recorded incidents of the. As with their counterparts elsewhere, moroccan public school teacher are grossly underpaid. Preventing violence and terrorism and promoting positive relations between dutch and muslim communities in amsterdam ervin staub university of massachusetts at amherst many western european countries have seen increasing tension between local communities and immigrant groups, especially muslims, with mutual grievances. Shocking video of student beating teacher sparks intense. Unfortunately, many of the role models of young people are setting bad examples.

Pdf women, and the violence of stereotypes in morocco. Additional efforts are necessary, however, for morocco to fulfill its obligation to address domestic violence. Morocco was the first arab state to condemn iraqs invasion of kuwait in 1990, and sent troops to help defend saudi arabia. Causes of student violence in schools opinion front. The 2011 editions of the international trends in mathematics and science study timss and the progress in international reading literacy study pirls showed low learning achievement scores for moroccan grade 4 and grade 8 students compared to those from other participating countries. Thus, the question of insecurity experienced by women in and outside of urban.

Abused and expelled illtreatment of subsaharan african. Aug 10, 2014 the media role, then, is not less than the function of the family and the school in civic education. The relationship between students perc eption of being safe. Preventing school violence violence preventioninjury. The monthly considers itself a feminist publication with a clear aim of changing the situation of women in the moroccan society. In grade 4 mathematics, for example, 74 percent of moroccan.

Teachers at the american schools have reported that witnesses on the street often fail to intervene or assist when moroccan men harass them. The limited prevalence studies on school bullying in the arab world suggest varying rates with 20. National legal framework affecting violence against children 25 prevalence of violence in schools 26 1. Successful prosecutions for harassment are still relatively rare in the moroccan legal system. Cedaw asked the moroccan government to address violence against women and establish support services for victims of violence. The moroccan government set for 2010 the widespread teaching of tamazight amazigh language. School violence in morocco and the need for a true reform. The constitutional rights foundation suggests longterm exposure to knives violence, parental. In late 1955, mohammed v successfully negotiated the gradual restoration of moroccan independence within a framework of french moroccan interdependence. Pdf the effects of violence on the moroccan youths behaviour and. Sexual abuse results in a range of damaging physical and emotional effects, including.

Schoolrelated genderbased violence srgbv refers to acts of sexual, physical or psychological violence inflicted on children in and around schools because of stereotypes and roles or norms attributed to or expected of them because of their sex or gendered. An overview by margaret small and kellie dressler tetrick c rime and violence in schools are matters of significant public concern, particularly after the spate of tragic school shootings in recent years. Moreover, many detained children are subjected to beatings and psychological torture, including threats of sexual violence. Preventing violence and terrorism and promoting positive. There are various kinds of tactics that are adopted by the attacker against the victim. The importance of knowing about school violence, the cause of school violence, forms of school violence and they ways teacher can prevent school violence was observed. Islamic statistics on violence, rape, terror, sharia, isis. There is strong opposition from the government to the implementation of mother tongues, amazigh and moroccan darija, in the school curriculum due to their low status and lack of prestige compared to arabic and french. World bank engagement in the education sector in morocco. When diagnosing the malady that plagues moroccos public schools, we must start with teachers.

If moral values were taught in schools, we would have fewer of these problems. National legal framework affecting violence against children 22 yemen 23 1. Some moroccan associations have argued that violence in moroccan schools is a strong proof that our educational system has failed to meet its objectives. Domestic violence is present in almost every society of the world. Research shows that prevention efforts by teachers, administrators, parents, community members, and even students can reduce violence and improve the school environment. According to a recent article published by the american psychological association apa, 80 percent of teachers surveyed were victimized at school at least once in the current school year or prior year. Sometimes children are detained for several hours, without informing their parents.

We sought to investigate the nature, causes and effects of school violence in four south african high schools. The consequences include children and youth finding it difficult to concentrate in class, missing classes, avoiding school activities, playing truant or dropping out of school altogether. In 2012 alone, the msf teams in oriental region, which includes nador, neighbouring melilla, treated over 1,100 injured people. Additional information is available at the department of justice. Is sued over violence in schools the mother of a new york city public school student, a plaintiff in a classaction lawsuit, spoke about her sons mistreatment outside the education department.

Violence prevention in schools documents practical advice gathered from experienced school resource officers on how law enforcement, schools, and districts can work together to keep schools safe. The home environment is thought to contribute to school violence. The report showedthe majority of children exposed to violence are aged between two and 14 years old, and that the violence exists in several forms, including. The shocking recording has led to a discussion of violence in moroccan schools. Education for disadvantaged children in morocco utrecht. Schools, workplaces, neighborhoods, campuses, and cultural or religious communities may feel fear, anger, or disbelief if a sexual assault happened in their community. Care began work in morocco in 2007 as part of the national initiative for human development launched in 2005 by king mohammed vi. The magazine covered critical articles in the 1990s on sexual exploitation, domestic violence and harassment at schools against women. Several ngos have confirmed that the moroccan authorities detain saharawis between the ages of 12 18. Violence against children in schools 4 contents foreword 8 acronyms 10 introduction 11 1. The perception of risk is often greater than the reality, as schools. These offices were closed in 2000 following sustained israelipalestinian violence, but moroccan israeli diplomatic contacts continue.

Department of state travel advisory at the date of this reports publication assesses morocco at level 2, indicating travelers should exercise increased caution due to terrorism overall crime and safety situation. Shocking video of student beating teacher sparks intense debate on violence in moroccan schools. Psychological victimization in teen dating and suicide risk. Introduction moroccan immigration in spain as a whole began to be significant at the beginning of the 1970s. The spread of english in morocco article pdf available in international journal of the sociology of language 199187. Rabat the 2018 school year started tragically at ouarzazates sidi daoud high school when a 17year old student violently beat one of his teachers during a class. Fez whenever i think of writing about the situation of teachers, students, and schools in morocco, my heart skips a beat. Violence, an act of physical force that causes or is intended to cause harm. Moroccos approach to countering violent extremism this material is distributed by the moroccan american center for policy on behalf of the kingdom of morocco. School violence victoria griffin fayetteville state university the importance to be aware of school violence in education today by victoria griffin december 1, 2014 abstract. Yale section of emergency medicine, department of surgery, yale school of medicine september, 2007 prepared as part of an education project of the global health education consortium and collaborating partners. Moroccan ministry of industry, trade and new technologies stated in april 2008 that as few as 3.

The study focused on fourth grade students who participated in the timss 2007. Dorothy espelage of the university of illinois at urbanachampaign, who served as chair of the apa task force on classroom. Violence against teachers is a national crisis, says dr. Overview of the educational system in morocco 20 5. Its not really the case, as you may have seen reported elsewhere, that there have been 18 school shootings in. The damage inflicted by violence may be physical, psychological, or both. Doc violence against teachers in morocco lamya al echcheikh. There are no civil remedies, specifically temporary restraining order or civil protection order provisions, available to victims of domestic violence under current moroccan law. Sadly, incidents of school violence are too common in the.

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